
The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History

To those that consider the mere discussion of the following protocols as anti-XXXX this rebuttal is offered: those claims are toothless when all references to XXXX are eliminated in this work; when there are no claims that they or any race of man wrote The Protocols of The Learned Elders of XXXX. The point is whether or not the contents are true and demonstrably extant. Moreover, the larger point still is that ascribing doubt to who wrote the protocols themselves invites suspicion of sympathy for or agreement with the unknown author(s) of the appalling contents therein. […]


It’s On: White Dragon Society vs. The Illuminati

This is the actual Illuminati discussed by President George Washington in 1798: "Despite the positive developments, the biggest worry is all the public hints about a new 'terrorist attack' on the U.S. to be used as an excuse to trigger martial law. However, such an attack at this time 'would fool nobody', the sources said.' Many U.S. citizens might be fooled but no other government in the world would believe it. The secret government knows they cannot use their old tricks anymore', the sources said." […]