Donald Trump

Fooled by Spoof Book: Confirmation Bias Hits The New York Times, Pelosi

SMH. Project Icarus Rex, the “top secret” DARPA/CERN time travel project commissioned by President Trump claims another gullible lawmaker, and The New York Times. As of yet, no retraction.

Confirmation bias is simply this: sometimes you get so hung up on finding data to support your belief that you grasp at anything, and that means anything, that could possibly support your conclusion. Sometimes, that means you fall for bullshit, just because you want to believe it so badly.  The corporate media has a confirmation bias against President Trump, and it is rabid. They have already decided that President Trump and 63 million Americans are beyond redemption and through their ignorance and impudence, need their vote nullified. They have openly, and tacitly, called for a revolution. This is not hyperbole. The corporate media is attempting a coup to overturn the results of a democratically elected president. […]