Cloak and Dagger

Benjamin Fulford: About the Antifa Event of November 4

“This is all conjecture and deductions based on known timetables, but I think I may have figured out the false flag purpose of the “coronal mass ejection drill” on 11/4. Given that Trump’s going to be in Japan on 11/5, it would be logical for him to be airborne on 11/4.  That “drill” would go live, being used as a murder weapon in a plot to assassinate Donald Trump.  The plot would be easy to cover up without expertise in electronic forensics as an “unfortunate plane crash.”  The mastermind of this assassination is most likely Barack Obama.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Was the Corporate Media Framing a False Flag Assassination Attempt?

According to one Secret Service agent, someone even "above Soros" came storming into the White House and began discussing a plan was to stage an attempt on Hillary's life and then blame it on Trump.  Any supporting evidence? Consider the following: Before this happens, a controlled, state media will often  frame a candidate with a narrative to make the coming false flag plausible. This is likely why so many media outlets began hyping the "Trump encouraging followers to kill Hillary" false narrative. This "Dangerous Donald" tactic is actually outlined in the DNC Trump playbook leak. The same leaks revealed Sanders "Bernie Bros" supporters could be portrayed as violent, too, and they were. […]