Benjamin Fulford 

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid next cabalist to be executed as military tribunals begin

The Bundy Ranch villain and traitor, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is going to join John McCain and George Bush Sr. and be executed for treason, Pentagon sources say.  Like McCain, Reid will officially die of cancer and be allowed, as condemned men are, the right to a few last words, the sources say.  Reid chose to badmouth U.S. President Donald Trump. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Secret war centers on SWIFT after George Bush Sr. is executed

Since the death of Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George Bush Sr., the battle for control of the world’s financial system, and thus of the process of deciding humanity’s future, is now centering on control of the SWIFT international interbank electronic transfer system. A final battle is taking place between the 13 bloodlines which have traditionally controlled the planet, and the meritocratic Gnostic Illuminati who control the U.S. military-industrial complex, multiple sources agree.  The battle is heading for a climax of sorts now that George Bush Senior has been “executed,” as confirmed by both Pentagon and CIA sources. […]