Hillary Clinton

DNC Leak Reveals MSNBC, NY Times Sabotaged Sanders

Leaked emails show collusion between the DNC and publications such as the NY Times and MSNBC to deliberately sabotage Bernie Sanders’ bid for nomination.

In one disturbing email exchange, the DNC boasted that they could get NY Times reporter Nick Confessore to bury references to Hillary Clinton’s Hillary Victory Fund, in order to promote her as the favourible candidate during the recent Democratic primaries. […]

Hillary Clinton

Fraud: Class Action Lawsuit Against DNC Filed, RICO Lawsuit

DNC Donald Trump Report  Leaked. Notes on the strategy for Installing Hillary. In addition to voter suppression and major exit poll discrepancies that two Stanford studies confirm are consistent with fraud, there is now actual material leaked evidence of election fraud and DNC collusion, rigged Primary; the Guccifer 2.0 Files. Here they are. [UPDATE] DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, CA Sec of State Alex Padilla served for election fraud. […]

Clinton Foundation

FBI Reveals DNC Itself Complicit in Racketeering

Hillary’s coronation was strange indeed. From the beginning, the DNC was ruthlessly suppressing all challengers, and even members of Congress who supported Sanders were warned not to, or else. Only four known Democrats in Congress, out of hundreds, are not supporting Hillary Clinton. That’s a shakedown. That is the essence of racketeering: cooperate, or else. That’s why otherwise reasonable people say Hillary’s phony lead is “insurmountable.” But for the hundreds of delegates who announced their support before Sanders even ran, willing and unwilling, and those pledged now and are in any way tied to the Hillary Victory Fund, this would be a good time to distance themselves from ground zero. […]