Hillary Clinton

Pedophilia Scandal: New York Times Already on Defensive

In regards to the Hollywood and DC child sex rings, damage control makes the elite defend the indefensible: pedophilia. A two-year old article reflects the framing of the scandal as it first appeared. Incidentally, to the pervert who wrote this at the NYT, Margo Kaplan, pedophilia is indeed a crime and you might want to look into the law books to see just how serious it is. “Pedophilia is a Disorder, Not a Crime” just won’t fly in the courts or with anyone that’s ever been molested or raped as a child. […]


Are the Key JFK Files Already Destroyed?

The short answer is no. The keys files have been in the public domain for decades, they’ve simply been suppressed or “debunked” by media assets.

The most sensitive CIA/FBI/ONI papers pertaining to John F. Kennedy’s assassination were sealed by Johnson until 2039, and are probably missing or destroyed already– if what happened to the Los Angeles Police Department’s files on Robert Kennedy is any guide. […]