
Lincoln; An Account of His Personal Life

Shortly before the end, he had a strange dream. Though he spoke of it almost with levity, it would not leave his thoughts. He dreamed he was wandering through the White House at night; all the rooms were brilliantly lighted; but they were empty. However, through that unreal solitude floated a sound of weeping. When he came to the East Room, it was explained; there was a catafalque, the pomp of a military funeral, crowds of people in tears; and a voice said to him, “The President has been assassinated.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

CNN Employs Actual Klan Propaganda

CNN’s “respected” source: referring to Mexicans as “bastards” Cosman goes on to say that in Mexico rape is considered less serious than cow stealing and claims that most Mexicans specialize in “molesting girls under age 12, others age 5, others age 3.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Spare the Mole, Kill the Party

Any way you cut it, if you support the enemy of your party and undermine the chances of a fellow party member whom your enemy fears most, you have irrefutably betrayed the party’s interests. Inasmuch […]



Please Don’t View Donnie Hoyle’s Secret Thu– Let’s Get Sexy with Craig Robinson College Humor: Oh baby, baby The Ultimate Revenge The Unedited Flushing Cat Video Saddam’s MTV Fake or Real? Bat Fight with Will […]

Cloak and Dagger

Philip Zimbardo: Why ordinary people do evil … or do good

Renowned psychologist Philip Zimbardo, famous for conducting the Stanford prison experiment, knows how easy it is for nice people to turn bad. In this talk, he shares insights and graphic unseen photos from the Abu Ghraib trials. Then he talks about the flip side: how easy it is to be a hero, and how we can rise to the challenge. In the top row, far right, prisoners are forced to masturbate before the camera. Bottom row, far right, prisoner covered in excrement. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Anti-Masonic Party- September 11, 1830

“The lion’s grip of the order was upon our courts, and loyalty to that, displaced fealty to the state. If freemasonry ought to be abolished, it should certainly be so abolished as to prevent its restoration. No means of doing this can be conceived so competent as those furnished by the ballot boxes. These means are commended to our adoption, by the most urgent considerations, by their mildness, their safety, their sufficiency, and the tested insufficiency of all others.” […]