
Netanyahu: Old Testament is Anti-Semitic “Hate Speech”

“It accuses us of consulting wooden idols and diviners; of genocide, of incest, of harlotry and all sorts of really mean and anti-Semitic things with no basis in fact. He has cursed us into many generations and brought plagues upon us. We, the Chosen People, are naturally excused from any consequences to our actions, no matter how heinous, so it is clear that any negative portrayal of our leaders is rooted in the writings of self-hating Jews and that God is anti-Semitic.” […]


Article Slideshow

[easyrotator]erc_90_1428472297[/easyrotator] Article Slideshow of all Impious Digest stories. A virtual roulette of impious foolishness with a spattering of more serious content.


Hugh Thompson, Jr.– An American Hero

They were scalped, tongues were cut out to silence the screams of girls before they were raped and killed. Hands were cut off as trophies. It was March 16, 1968. Pinkville, or the My Lai massacre: the worst slaughter of innocent men, women and children in the Vietnam war. Over 400 Vietnamese villagers were slain in cold blood by American troops under Second Lieutenant William Calley. […]


MH17 Another Operation Gladio?

The matter of coincidence cannot be stressed enough, because that’s how spooks, mobsters, politicians communicate when they’ve done something so horrible they dare not take credit openly, but still want it tacitly known that it was them that they might instill fear. Strings of coincidences are always created and do not exist in nature. When Wall Street is involved, they also need to know a specific date because their aim is to engage in “risk free” speculative trading like dumping airline and Russian stocks knowing their value will plummet. Right before 9-11, the CIA noted there was a lot of trading in airline stocks, which of course plummeted that day, and that every high ranking official in the Bush Administration had been warned not to fly in the days before 9-11, as we saw with John Ashcroft. […]


How the Fake News Killed Gary Webb

”But one [Los Angeles] Times reporter characterized himself as being "assigned to the 'get Gary Webb team'" and another was heard to say "We're going to take away that guy's Pulitzer." The opening "About this series" teaser made it clear that the Times pieces would explicitly address, and deny, the validity of all the main assertions in "Dark Alliance." […]


ZIONISIS: Bullies as Victims

Don't play victim when you have the Senate, Congress, the US media, Hollywood, the United States armed forces and intelligence agencies under your thumb. You're a fucking bully, everyone knows it, and you're embarrassing yourself. Unless you're Benjamin Netanyahu. Nothing embarrasses a psychopath. […]


JFK, RFK and King Assassinations Must be Declassified

It’s the lone nuts that really should give one pause for thought as they are actually the most plausible examples of extremist political conspiracies. Sane people have enough trouble approaching the president without an insider. Someone that hears voices, hallucinates, and is completely detached from reality could never get close to the president unless someone on the inside put him there. You can see these people a mile away. […]


A White House Pedophilia Scandal Even Worse than Britain’s

No one believed the Catholic Church had a vast pedophile ring, but it should surprise no one that our political elite has its own pedophile ring. The Franklin Scandal was a nationwide pedophile ring that trafficked children to Washington DC's political elites. Remember Newt Gingrich's love of Boy's Town? That was one source of children. […]



He had his head blown off, his skull exploding into a pink mist…. it replays in my mind constantly, so many years later.  I saw that the authorities not only allowed it to happen but facilitated it. I saw that "Bonesmen" had done obscene and unspeakable things to his body. I saw his killers gloat openly on national television that no one would ever find out what happen, but so many of us knew. […]


Who is White Rose?

Could you imagine a group of students beheaded simply for distributing anti-Nazi leaflets? That was the fate of White Rose, a German anti-Nazi movement from Munich University. […]


Even the Cabals Admit It: The Press Could Have Saved Us

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller […]


Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine

Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it but falsely attributed to an entire people, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. That is the true horror, and why the latter may be…The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History. […]


5 Monkeys

How we can induce learned helplessness. Start with a cage containing 5 monkeys…. this story illustrates how human society keeps doing the same things over and over again because – “that’s the way things have always been done around here”. […]